With many manufactured countertops to choose from, your decision might be difficult but the care is always easy. In a previous post, we talked about natural stone countertops for your kitchen remodel. Today, we’ll highlight some manufactured countertops to...
Sometimes the reclaimed wood you find when remodeling an older home includes reclaimed wood used in the original construction. So you could say you’re reclaiming the reclaimed wood. Take, for instance, the floorboards uncovered during the remodeling of a...
Oh, the terrific spaces you discover as a general contractor stepping through the doors of an old home awaiting restoration. This turn-of-the-century barn tucked away in an Evanston neighborhood is a rustic time capsule in beautiful condition, filled with original...
There’s no good reason for your kitchen junk drawer to be a tangled waste of storage space. Let’s give this catch-all drawer an upgrade. Say goodbye to the junk drawer and hello to your Go-To Drawer. Our motto is “everything has a place and...
When remodeling a kitchen, choosing a countertop can be the single most challenging decision. You want just the right balance of style and practicality. This single element sets the tone for your room, ties the design together, and takes the brunt of a busy...